Package javax.measure.unit

Provides support for programatic unit handling.

See: Description

Package javax.measure.unit Description

Provides support for programatic unit handling.

Standart/NonStandard Units

Standard units and prefixes are provided by the SI class (Système International d'Unités) and about 50 non-standard units are available through the NonSI class.

Usage examples:

[code] import javax.measure.Scalar; import javax.measure.Measure; import javax.measure.unit.*; import javax.measure.quantity.*; import static javax.measure.unit.SI.*; import static javax.measure.unit.NonSI.*; import static javax.measure.unit.Dimension.*; public class Main { public void main(String[] args) { // Conversion between units. System.out.println(KILO(METRE).getConverterTo(MILE).convert(10)); // Retrieval of the system unit (identifies the measurement type). System.out.println(REVOLUTION.divide(MINUTE).getSystemUnit()); // Dimension checking (allows/disallows conversions) System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.isCompatible(WATT.times(HOUR))); // Retrieval of the unit dimension (depends upon the current model). System.out.println(ELECTRON_VOLT.getDimension()); } } > 6.2137119223733395 > rad/s > true > [L]²·[M]/[T]² [/code]

Unit Parameterization

Units are parameterized (<Q extends Quantity>) to enforce compile-time checks of units/measures consistency, for example:[code] Unit MINUTE = SECONDS.times(60); // Ok. Unit MINUTE = METRE.times(60); // Compile error. Unit HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(PASCAL); // Ok. Unit HECTOPASCAL = HECTO(NEWTON); // Compile error. Measurable duration = Measure.valueOf(2, MINUTE); // Ok. Measurable duration = Measure.valueOf(2, CELSIUS); // Compile error. long milliseconds = duration.longValue(MILLI(SECOND)); // Ok. long milliseconds = duration.longValue(POUND); // Compile error. [/code]

UML Diagram

UML Diagram