How to get started get started

Are you a consumer wanting to be a prosumer? prosumer?

Being a prosumer means producing your own energy next to the consumption of energy. Do you have a solar panel and do you want your washing machine to switch on when it is producing power? Look no further.

Are you a company wanting a more green office? green office?

The PowerMatcherSuite can be used to optimize your office building or even a set of office buildings.

Are you an energy collective wanting to be Self-Sustaining? Self-Sustaining?

Use the PowerMatcherSuite to form a microgrid.

Are you an aggregator wanting to harvest Flexibility? harvest Flexibility?

Make profit by leveraging flexibility and trading on the wholesale markets.

Are you a device manufacturer wanting to become PowerMatcher Ready? PowerMatcher Ready?

Making your smart appliance PowerMatcher Ready is relatively simple!

Are you a developer wanting to help us move forward?! move forward?!

Do you want to help us Grow!?

Are you a grid operator wanting to manage local congestion?! local congestion?!

The PowerMatcher is a great tool for managing local congestion points.